Archive for 2月, 2011

Erlang 编译并运行程序

在 erl shell 中编译运行

Eshell V5.8.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(hello).
2> hello:start().
Hello world


ERLANG程序设计-code\code>erlc hello.erl
ERLANG程序设计-code\code>erl -noshell -s hello start -s init stop
Hello world



-eval 参数可以在 os 命令行中执行任意的erlang函数,例如:

$ erl -eval ‘io:format(“Hello world~n”).’ -noshell -s init stop
Hello world
$ erl -eval ‘io:format(“Memory:~p~n”,[erlang:memory(total)]).’ -noshell -s init stop
D:\My Dropbox\Erlang\ERLANG程序设计-code\code>erl -eval “io:format(\”Hello world
\”).” -noshell -s init stop
Hello world
D:\My Dropbox\Erlang\ERLANG程序设计-code\code>
erlc hello.erl 编译文件hello.erl,生成名为hello.beam的目标代码文件。
-noshell 表示启动erlang,但是关闭shell,因此不会看到erlang提示信息。
-s hello start 表示运行函数 hello:start(). ,-s 执行模板函数时模板必须已经编译过,否则出现下面的错误:
ERLANG程序设计-code\code>erl  -noshell -s hello start -s init stop
{“init terminating in do_boot”,{undef,[{hello,start,[]},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot ()
-s init stop 表示运行 init:stop() 函数。当有多个 -s 参数时,会按顺序对每个-s命令有一个apply语句进行解释运行,一旦一个运行完毕,则继续执行下一个命令。

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导入测试数据到 Mnesia 数据库


    {fruit, [{attributes, [name, color, taste]}]},
    {vegetable, [{attributes, [name, color, taste, price]}]}

{fruit, orange, orange, sweet}.
{fruit, apple, green, sweet}.
{vegetable, carrot, orange, carrotish, 2.55}.
{vegetable, potato, yellow, none, 0.45}.

下列Erlang shell会话显示如何加载fruits数据库:

 $ erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.3 [source] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.6.3 (abort with ^G)
1> mnesia:start(). % 虽然 mnesia:load_textfile 也会启动数据库,但是在处理上次遗留的内存数据库上有问题,
会保留上次非正常退出时的内存表的结构,造成本次 mnesia:load_textfile 操作失败。出现注1的错误,造成无法导入本
2> mnesia:load_textfile("data.txt").
New table fruit
New table vegetable
3> mnesia:info().
---> Processes holding locks <--- ---> Processes waiting for locks <--- ---> Participant transactions <--- ---> Coordinator transactions <--- ---> Uncertain transactions <--- ---> Active tables <--- vegetable : with 2 records occupying 320 words of mem fruit : with 2 records occupying 312 words of mem schema : with 3 records occupying 622 words of mem ===> System info in version "4.4.3", debug level = none <=== opt_disc. Directory "/home/gamexg/erl/mnesia/Mnesia.nonode@nohost" is NOT used. use fallback at restart = false running db nodes = [nonode@nohost] stopped db nodes = [] master node tables = [] remote = [] ram_copies = [fruit,schema,vegetable] disc_copies = [] disc_only_copies = [] [{nonode@nohost,ram_copies}] = [schema,fruit,vegetable] 5 transactions committed, 0 aborted, 0 restarted, 0 logged to disc 0 held locks, 0 in queue; 0 local transactions, 0 remote 0 transactions waits for other nodes: [] ok 4>


注1:不使用mnesia:start 启动数据库直接载入数据会使上次运行的内存表未被清除,而和本次导入的表冲突,导入失败。

$ erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.3 [source] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.6.3 (abort with ^G)
1> mnesia:load_textfile(“data.txt”).
** Table fruit already exists on nowhere, just entering data
** Table vegetable already exists on nowhere, just entering data

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